The official start of winter is coming soon. Make sure you read my post from November 9, 2018 before creating your water storage plan.
You don’t have to be crazy to store water. Over the weekend I completed my winter water storage. Below is a great video on how you can do it with 55-gallon barrels. I too bought mine at Walmart.com because it was the lowest price and they delivered the barrels to my doorstep. They arrived in boxes which was a plus because that kept what I was doing less conspicuous. The boxes also provide good cover so the entire neighborhood doesn’t know what’s in your garage every time you open the door. Avoid storing directly on concrete which can seep into stored water at high temps. I positioned the barrels on 2×6’s (non-pressurized to avoid chemicals). This may be overkill, but peace of mind is a big part of the equation when prepping.
Everything else is about the same in the video in terms of what I’ve done. However living in the Northeast I took an extra couple of steps to be prepared for freezing temps/water. I filled the barrels to about 80% from the top and also wrapped them in emergency mylar blankets (what you see wrapped around runners at the finish line of marathons and triathlons). We’ll see if they work. I’ll let you know in the Spring. Remember putting you and your family in a position of strength is never a crazy idea.