Will You Be Ready When the Mob Comes a Knockin’?

Are you prepared for winter? I hope you are. This one might be a tough one. You know that along with strengthening your immunity and...

Friday Night Shoot with My Kids

For years, when my kids were younger, we would go to our rifle club with my friend and his two daughters for a Friday...

Second Amendment Principles Become Self Defense Practicality

You may be one of the many Americans who has long supported the Second Amendment but never felt inclined to own a firearm yourself. That...

First Time Gun Buyers Flock to Stores in Fear of Civil Chaos

New gun buyers are heading to gun shops across America to buy firearms to protect their families from the chaos that is engulfing the...

Sig Sauer Tac Tip with Kyle Lamb

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-53rk6lFtv4] Here's a tip from Sig Sauer Academy instructor Kyle Lamb. I have enjoyed training at Sig Sauer Academy and suggest if you own...

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Survive and Thrive December 2024: Boom or Bust: “What Do You Think of Bitcoin?

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Biden’s Legacy of Blue State Homelessness

You're watching Joe Biden leave office, and it's a...

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