Survive & Thrive

Survive and Thrive July 2024: Paris, China, the Middle Class and the Luxury Olympics

The 2024 Summer Olympics are underway in Paris, France. Your Survival Guy was recently in Paris, and the city didn't seem quite prepared at...

Survive and Thrive June 2024: Are You Still with Vanguard, and Are You Concerned?

Dear Survivor, A long time ago, Vanguard founder Jack Bogle came up with a novel idea for a mutual fund company. Keep fees low, passively...

Survive and Thrive May 2024: Richard C. Young’s Intelligence Report: Beat Inertia

Dear Survivor, OK, imagine you have a pile of cash. What are you going to invest in today? What are your objectives with this money?...

Survive and Thrive April 2024: Our Dog Louis Passed Away on April 17th

Dear Survivor, Our dog Louis passed away on April 17th. He was thirteen. When he was a puppy, our kids were in elementary school. “Hi, Mom,”...

Survive and Thrive March 2024: How You Livin’? Crossing on the Queen Mary 2

Dear Survivor, As my nephew asked me the other day, home from college and all the stuff one learns: “Uncle E, how you livin’?” “How I’m...

Survive and Thrive February 2024: “It’s My Job” Key West’s Farewell to Jimmy Buffett

Dear Survivor, Your Survival Guy and Gal were in Key West recently to confirm for New England that the sun still exists. It does. But...

Survive and Thrive January 2024: Your Investing Success in 2024 May Rely on This

Dear Survivor, Your success as an investor has much to do with your temperament. It’s more art than science. That’s not coming from me. That’s...

Survive and Thrive December 2023: A Stock Market Boom or Bust for 2024?

Dear Survivor, Your Survival Guy received some Christmas emails asking about a certain economist’s stock market prediction that the bubble’s about to burst. My take? Why...

Survive & Thrive Archives


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