Mike Pence Got an “A" from Cato in 2014

Photo by Gage Skidmore
Photo by Gage Skidmore

Tonight Gov. Mike Pence, and Senator Tim Kaine will battle it out in the Vice Presidential debate on CNN. In 2014, Pence was one of four governors to receive an A grade from Cato Institute on their performance.

At the time Cato Institute wrote:

Mike Pence of Indiana has been frugal on spending and a champion tax cutter. He signed bills to cut individual-income-tax rates 5 percent (the current rate of 3.4 percent will fall to 3.23 percent in 2017) and repeal the inheritance tax. He also approved a corporate-income-tax rate cut and a major reduction in property taxes on businesses.

VP debate preview: Can Pence, Kaine break through?