Doug Jones (D-AL) is likely the Senate’s most endangered member. After his unpredictable win against accused child-abuser Roy Moore, Jones entered the Senate holding a set of liberal beliefs in contradiction to the conservative electorate he represents.
In a recent interview Jones made an Orwellian hash of the English language by claiming that “he is not for “gun control,” just more gun regulations.”
Alabama news outlet, Yellowhammer News, reported on Jones’ attempts to reconcile his anti-gun beliefs with the pro-rights stance of Alabamans. Sean Ross wrote:
When Hammontree, later in the interview, brought up that Jones’ maiden speech on the Senate floor was on gun control and asked what gun regulations he is in favor of, Jones pushed back.
“Well, let me correct you – and this is part of the problem, John, with the media and others,” Jones responded. “I didn’t make a speech about gun control. I made a speech about gun safety.”
Jones said he believes that “there is a difference.”
He then proceeded to explain the history of gun regulations in America, going back to “gangsters with Tommy guns,” and confirm that he is indeed supportive of increased gun regulations.
“What I think is important is that we have some common sense regulations to address gun safety,” Jones summarized.
It is still unclear how this is not gun control, which is simply the regulation of gun manufacture, sale, transfer, possession, modification or use.
In the January speech in question, Jones even used the term “gun control.”
“So while I know that guns and gun control are difficult issues for this country, I can tell you they’re complicated for me, too. But as a United States Senator today, a member of the legislative branch of government, I have many obligations. And I believe that the first obligation of government is to protect its citizens,” Jones said.
In 2020, Alabamans will have the opportunity to replace Jones. Let’s hope they do.