“Shooter! Run!”

By SevenMaps @ Shutterstock.com

“Shooter! Run!”

Imagine hearing that while watching a parade with your children. That is exactly what happened to my clients’ daughter and grandsons when gun shots went off at the Fourth of July parade in Highland Park, IL. When she called her dad, panicked and in tears, after jumping in the back of an SUV and driving to safety a mile away, he had no idea what was going on. It happens that fast. With the suspect still on the loose, she was afraid to let her kids go outside to play. This is America?

Tensions in America are high. Every month I thoroughly analyze risk in America to produce the latest reading of my quantitative and qualitative RAGE Gauge Index. Don’t be afraid, be informed. Protect yourself. Sign up for my montly RAGE Gauge alert here today. 

The terrorists among us on Main Street America need to understand they’re going to be met with the force of God before they attack, not after. They need to think long and hard about how bad the return fire will be. They need to understand that in a Constitutional Carry state, they won’t know which parade-goers will be returning fire like their life depends on it.

Look, Illinois is a haven for bad guys with guns. Its restrictive gun control laws neuter law-abiding citizens–the good guys–from the right to self-protect. When the police are demonized and feel their lives don’t matter, they leave. Police can’t save lives when they’re in early retirement. Look at California, another haven for bad guys with guns, and how it released the names of citizens with legal concealed carry licenses. Talk about putting a target on someone’s back.

You’re dealing with politicians who are governing from the safety of their homes without a care in the world for their safety because they have an armored detail. And for them, the best part is they’ll just tax you more to pay for it. Meanwhile, you’re left unarmed, unprotected, and with no money to pay for your own defense.

Action Line: We need more good guys with guns. If your state is actively working against your Second Amendment rights, why stick around any longer? The states’ rights revolution is unfolding before our eyes. You want to live where Main Street America, the heart and soul of this country, is a place where a terrorist will not dare to roam without thinking twice about the consequences.