Coming in at number one on Your Survival Guy’s 2022 Super States ranking is New Hampshire. Why? For starters, it’s a beacon of freedom in New England. And its motto is “Live Free or Die.” What’s not to love? Because in times like these it’s your FREEDOM that matters most. Look at the island of freedom New Hampshire offers to New Englanders, and you see why it tops my list. Plus, it’s a great escape from any city, including Newport, from seasonal crowds.
My family has been going to New Hampshire skiing for as long as I can remember. When I was a kid, we’d go to King Ridge, where you parked at the top and skied to the bottom. Over time my parents bought a house in Bartlett, and my family followed in their footsteps. It’s been a home base in the White Mountains ever since.
In America today, you are being told by the Federal government how to live. You’re seeing pressure to change the Electoral System in favor of a popular vote, which goes against the Founders’ ideas of the power of the states. The framers of the Constitution were not about democracy. They created a Republic—if you can keep it. It is at the state level, the laboratories of the country, where your Freedom will be cherished or kicked to the curb.
Action Line: Governors like Chris Sununu of New Hampshire and Ron DeSantis of Florida understand this, and they are welcoming Americans home with arms wide open. If you don’t have a freedom state to escape to, it’s time you find one. Start your search by reviewing my 2022 Super States ranking by clicking here.