Here’s Why Biden Picked Kamala Harris for Veep

Originally posted August 12, 2020.

You’re telling me you want your Guns and Your Training. I’m telling you to do it now because, with Kamala Harris as Biden’s pick for VP, you can bet they’re coming for yours. Harris is a puppet for the anti-gunning billionaire elites that have not a clue how to protect their family without hired help. Elites tell you an AR-15 is a machine gun. That’s just stupid. An elite will tell you “they’ll never be a public servant” because public servants work for them (or they have a guy who knows a guy). “Who wants the aggravation?” they say. Elites escape the cities while real Americans deal with the rot. Harris is a hired gun brought in to wrangle money from a handful of elites—even Cuomo admits the value of the top one percenters—better get your guns and your training now.

Action Plan: You know it’s an election of epic proportions so make sure you sign up here to survive and thrive.