People across America are lining up to purchase guns and ammunition in an effort to protect their families from the threat of looting and violence during the COVID-19 crisis. They remember times like Hurricanes Sandy and Katrina when the worst Americans took advantage of the weak by looting their homes and businesses.
Already there are reports of looting and of coronavirus scams. It’s no surprise Americans are attempting to shore up their own defenses, especially with first responders stretched thin.
The rush of Americans attempting to protect their families has caused a spike in sales of guns and ammunition.
Despite Americans’ obvious desire to protect themselves, governors like Rhode Island’s Gina Raimondo seem interested only in advancing their political attacks on the Second Amendment.
On March 20, Raimondo issued Executive Order 20-07 extending the allowed waiting period for firearms purchases to 30 days, from the already long statutory waiting period of 7 days. The NRA reports:
On Friday March 20, Gov. Gina Raimondo issued Executive Order 20-07 which suspends the 7-day statutory background check requirement and now allows up to 30 days to complete checks. There is zero justification for extending the firearm waiting period to 30 days. Rhode Island’s current 7-day waiting period is a manufactured, arbitrary waiting period and is not a reflection on how long it actually takes to complete a NICS check. Since the advent of NICS, most approvals can be done nationwide while the dealer is on the phone or logged onto the computer. The notion that an increase in applications is causing such severe delays to require a 30-day waiting period is pure fantasy. Further, federal NICS checks are only valid for 30 days, meaning this new executive action could create an endless loop, thereby requiring all applications to be resubmitted after a month. This executive action is a clear infringement on the constitutional rights of Rhode Islanders.
Gov. Gina Raimondo has never disguised her frustration over not being able to advance gun control through the Legislature. Now, through an astounding act of executive fiat, she’s doing what she always wanted to do. It’s obvious that the Governor views the current health crisis as the prime opportunity to prey upon people’s uncertainty and fears to undermine our firearms freedom.
In America, government’s role is to facilitate citizens’ freedom, not to obstruct it. Governor Raimondo has chosen, in a time of great fear and unrest, to place even heavier restrictions on peoples’ rights.
Democrats like Raimondo often wonder why Second Amendment supporters fight so hard against any infringement on their rights. The reason is, they know that at the first opportunity, gun control advocates will use any and all means necessary to limit, outlaw, and confiscate their firearms. Raimondo’s completely unnecessary actions are proof positive of that.
It’s never too early to get your guns and your training. If Raimondo and her allies prevail though, it could be too late.