In The American Conservative, Declan Leary discusses the sad case of Ryan Carson, who was randomly murdered in Brooklyn after enjoying a wedding with friends. Leary writes:
Monday morning, very early, a 32-year-old activist was stabbed to death on a New York City sidewalk.
Around 4 a.m., Ryan Carson and his girlfriend were headed home from a wedding. They were waiting at a bus stop on the corner of Malcolm X Boulevard in Brooklyn when a young man passed by them and began to knock down scooters parked on the block. He then turned his attention to Mr. Carson.
The assailant screamed “What are you looking at?” and “Imma kill you right now” before he stabbed Carson three times, once through the heart. The entire incident was caught on video, and the suspect’s sister can be heard just after the stabbing saying, “I am so sorry”—calmly, as if they had just bumped shoulders on the sidewalk. Carson’s girlfriend, seemingly in shock, simply told the woman to “go watch him,” apparently referring to the man who had just left her life partner to bleed out on the concrete.
Action Line: When seconds count, the police are minutes away. This is exactly what I’m referring to about protecting yourself and your family because no one else will. Get your gun and your training now. Click here to subscribe to my free monthly Survive & Thrive letter.