As Emperor Cuomo Tries to Shutdown Thanksgiving, Sheriffs Fight Back

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, speaking at the Sustainable Development Capital Region Conference in Schenectady, NY. November 29, 2016. Photo courtesy of HUD.

New York’s dictatorial governor, Andrew Cuomo, is trying to shut down Thanksgiving and has threatened legal trouble for anyone who defies him. The NY Post reports:

Three more upstate New York sheriffs have announced their refusal to enforce the state’s private gathering limit on Thanksgiving.

In a scathing Facebook post on Saturday, Fulton County Sheriff Richard Giardino questioned the legality of Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s newly instituted 10-person cap on parties and other gatherings in private residences.

“Frankly, I am not sure it could sustain a Constitutional challenge in Court for several reasons including your house is your castle,” the sheriff wrote in the Saturday post.

“And as a Sheriff with a law degree I couldn’t in good faith attempt to defend it Court, so I won’t,” he said.

Giardino noted his office, with limited resources, has scant legal options to enter private homes other than search warrants, invitations or under an “emergency circumstance.”