You Know in Your Gut Why My September RAGE Gauge™ Concludes This

Pre-China virus, anyone who wanted a job could get one. But for some, no matter how loud an economy roars, they’re too lazy to work. For them, any economy is a bad economy because living off your taxed wages is a whole lot easier. Meet the viewers of the DNC infomercial.

The puppet Biden and his masters tell their followers: “you work for me.” The little Caesar-like mayors and governors in blue cities and states find their holy grail with a health crisis (probably on the way out the door) to shut down an economy to keep the plebes locked up, to turn against each other, and under their thumb. It’s a perfect storm.

Blue States now Own the Top 10 Highest Unemployment Rates in America:
  • Massachusetts (17.4%)
  • New Jersey (16.6%)
  • New York (15.7%)
  • Nevada (15%)
  • California (14.9%)
  • Michigan (14.8%)
  • Illinois (14.6%)
  • Hawaii (13.9%)
  • Pennsylvania (13%)
  • Delaware (12.5%)

Let’s not forget, it’s the Real Americans who create jobs, have a job, or work for the benefit of their family for a lifetime. For them life is hard but it’s worth working for and worth following the virtue of perhaps doing what they must do to make ends meet—not look to someone else to do it for them. Meet the Real Americans, not the lazy ones.

When you watch the DNC freaks on TV, you see the little emperors and empresses lying through their teeth and reinventing a storyline that just isn’t true. But their believers just nod their emotionless, mask covered faces.

Stupid kids are trading whatever savings they have (not paying college loans) on stupid stock ideas. Enjoy it while it lasts boys and girls, because it never does. Even the blind squirrel finds a nut now and then.

Rather than depend on luck, Real Americans are saving, remember that word, at whatever scrap rate the Federal Reserve prince sets. A prince protecting asset values for Wall Street, rather than a return on your earnings that you bust your ass working for. What a joke.

Real Americans are buying guns (thank god), gold (good, but don’t bet the ranch on it), and of course stocks (not the only game in town). They’re concerned to say the least. Look at these charts and it’s easy to conclude that, although things are somewhat better, it’s a high risk environment, hence my September RAGE Gauge reading.

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