When it comes to busy shops in Paris, there’s Hermès, and then there’s the rest. Every time we go into the corner store on St. Honoré, it’s mobbed with shoppers picking through scarves, trying on shoes, and laying down their credit cards. The money side is all so discreet as you’re whisked away to the cashier room that’s reminiscent of a mint just printing money.
Last week, when we went upstairs, there were a dozen artists/students (young and older) gathered in a workshop-type setting as a woman posed, and a string duet serenaded. No one I encountered thought this was unusual. It was just another day at Hermès. What shocked me even more were the teenaged kids being catered to by an attendant for her very serious shoppers.
You know from here that the China slowdown has impacted luxury sales. But because Hermès is synonymous with luxury, has the coveted Birkin, and runs a tight ship, it has weathered the storm. When you have cornered the market on the color orange, you’re doing something right.
Yesterday was a record day for Your Survival Guy and Gal, walking 18,000+ steps. Why, you may wonder. Well, when your day is centered around shopping, lunch, and dinner, there are a lot of steps to take to keep even. This is not a game to win. One problem is all the distractions from the windows of places like Chanel, Saint Laurent, Dior, LVMH, and the others in the neighborhood. I try to keep my head up and focused. How am I supposed to respond when I’m told, “I want to go in here for a minute.”
Hermès and the classics are the classics. Like good stocks and good bonds, they seem to be able to weather well with time. They aren’t left in the dust by changes. It’s what makes them so good. They keep to their roots but always stay relevant to keep their customers coming back.
Action Line: Treat your money like the luxury item it is and own companies that treat you like the customer you so richly deserve to be. When you want to talk about your money with someone who will treat it as well as you would, email me at ejsmith@yoursurvivalguy.com. In the meantime, click here to subscribe to my free monthly Survive & Thrive letter.
Read more about Your Survival Guy’s adventures in Paris here.