Where does Your Survival Guy have his money? Mostly with Fidelity Investments. But, like the cobbler’s shoes, I let inertia get in the way and have accounts at Vanguard, too. It’s not all bad. It helps me keep tabs on both firms. And I see them through the eyes of a customer, not a professional.
- What’s Up with Fidelity?
- Why Vanguard Is Still Too Big and More
- Fidelity FCASH Alert, 5% Yields, and Trump’s Economy
- SPECIAL CONFESSION: Why I’m Being Hard on Vanguard
In a complex business, one thing that remains constant is change. We’ve gone from full-service commissions to zero, but there’s still “new” products coming out all the time. When it comes to investment advisors, one standard that remains the same is the gold standard of working with a fiduciary.
In your retirement life, I want you to take the big trips. Spend some money. The trips? They’re not getting cheaper, and if you don’t take them this year, you’ll be at least another year older when you’re still thinking about taking them. And your health? We all stay about 30 years old in our minds, but our bodies don’t.
Change requires decisions. You don’t want to be in a position where you say, “I had no idea that was going on.” It’s why you want to find an expert you trust. It’s what Richard C. Young’s Intelligence Report offered each month.
But reading and acting take time. So does living your best retirement life. There aren’t enough hours in the day to do both. Your job was your job. Time is compressed when you retire. Use it wisely.
Action Line: Email me at ejsmith@yoursurvivalguy.com. I’ve got all the time in the world for you. But only if you’re serious.