Originally posted on January 19, 2022.
When you think about what makes New Hampshire Your Survival Guy’s #1 state, a good place to start is by asking: Will I be represented by my government? Will it work for me? Protect my interests? Well, with 400 state reps, one per 3,000 residents, New Hampshire is the MOST representative state in the country. That’s always a great place to start. But what will keep you there?
When I visit our log cabin in the White Mountains, I feel like I’m a part of the ski community in the winter and of the vacationing families in the summer. You just see families everywhere. It’s nice. And if you’re looking for work after college to pay the bills to go skiing, you can be a ski instructor and make it all work. At least that’s what I did.
If you’re there working to make a living or just visiting, New Hampshire is a beautiful place to be outdoors. Consider North Conway, for example, where we have gone to the same ski shop, Stan and Dan’s, for at least twenty years, afterward we usually head to Delaney’s for lunch. And everyone who goes to North Conway knows Zeb’s General Store and the Flatbread Co. There’s Mt. Cranmore, with summer activities which are as good as the family-friendly winter skiing. There’s the Red Parka, of course, for Jerry’s Bloody Mary and Friday nights at The Shannon Door. You’ll pass Storyland on your way to Jackson and wonder what’s the appeal. Then, after you take your kids or grandkids there once, it will become a regular summer activity.
That’s all the fun stuff. But what about work? In Your Survival Guy’s What a Way to Make a Living series, I want you to have your cake and eat it too, and you can, especially with this remote work revolution. It’s yours for the taking. Consider the idea of working in the Portsmouth, NH area not far from the University of New Hampshire’s campus in Durham. If you’re an entrepreneur, there are plenty of students looking for a work/lifestyle solution. But, if you need to cross the red line and go work in—shhhh don’t say it too loudly—Massachusetts, then do it. But work most of the week remotely from your island of freedom in New Hampshire. And don’t forget, Fidelity has a big presence in Merrimack, New Hampshire.
Action Line: When it comes to New Hampshire, the opportunities are there, and Your Survival Guy expects them to expand. The right formula for you is out there. It just takes some imagination to find what you’re looking for. And when you do, your friends will see how you’re livin’ and say: “Huh, I didn’t know you could do that. What a way to make a living.” To stay with me for more on What a Way to Make a Living, click here to sign up for my free monthly Survive & Thrive newsletter.