Happy Friday. Your Survival Guy was talking with a client yesterday. He was at the helm of his sailboat. They were making their way home for the summer. I could tell it was bittersweet. They were already missing the new friends they had made over the winter.
Having recently completed the crossing back to Florida, they were looking forward to some of their favorite stops along the way. It was a calm morning. It reminded me of the hours my family spent sailing Buzzards Bay and Vineyard Sound in the summer, rafting up with family friends. That was fun.
One of the great parts about sailing is the shared experiences. You meet people along the way that are in the same boat, so to speak. They’re more than happy to share what they know with you and help you fix problems. As another client said to me on the phone while boarding his boat, “Survival Guy, even a new boat has a punch list. It’s called boating.”
Over the winter, on a trip to Key West, we played golf. Key West Golf Course gets busy. If you’re a twosome, you’ll be a foursome before you tee off. We’ve yet to have a bad time with other golfers we’ve been paired up with. It’s another example of shared experiences where some insider knowledge can help, and a tip here or there can be just what the doctor ordered. “That was fun,” is a usual refrain heading back to Old Town.
Same goes for fishing, skiing, pickleball—you name it. Getting out there and doing stuff with other people can be hard, but it can also be fun. It takes that initial step. Later, you can’t believe what you were missing.
Now, I can’t say there won’t be a learning curve. But that’s why you do it with your new best friends. There’s a reason they call it fishing, not catching. You’re learning together.
Action Line: Doing something new isn’t intuitive. We get stuck in our ways. But when you develop a relationship, it can be most rewarding. Only you can make it happen. Make it a good Friday.