Your Survival Guy has a couple fireside chat-type stories for you today. Instead of being by the fireside, though, this one occurred in my family room yesterday, like they often do, between Dick and me.
I was telling Dick about a new client who is joining us and how it had been 23 years since he and I last spoke. I was 29 at the time, a few years into my tenure working with Dick and Matt. The prospective client and I had some great conversations, but in the end, the timing wasn’t right. Now it is.
“Survival Guy,” Dick said. “They join you when they’re ready. I’ve always told you that, right?”
“We’re in the relationship business,” he said. “We don’t put pressure on prospective clients. We’ve never been about the hard sell. That’s not us. We keep them informed about our way of thinking, and when a connection is made, it’s made. It’s that simple.”
“I hear you,” I said. “It’s true.”
This prospective, soon-to-be client kept in touch with us through the years by reading Richard C. Young’s Intelligence Report and then www.richardcyoung.com. “My favorite pieces are on Ron Paul, and I find what you guys are putting out there helpful and a nice way to keep in touch with your thinking,” he said.
Which reminded me of a conversation I had a few years ago with a client commenting on www.richardcyoung.com. “Can you guess who my favorite author is?” he asked as I waited for the compliment. “Debbie.”
My second story for you today is what Dick and I talked about next. Inflation. “Survival Guy,” he said, “your clients are facing inflation many multiples higher than what the government is reporting. If they see something they like that brings value to their lives, tell them don’t wait until prices come down. That’s not happening. They need to buy what’s valuable to them now, not tomorrow.”
There you have it.
Action Line: Stick with Your Survival Guy and the Youngs. You have all the time in the world to make the right decisions for your family. This is not a race. Too often, investors are looking for the home run today, only to strike out tomorrow. Breathe in, breathe out, move on, and you’ll be just fine. I’m here if you’re serious today.