“Can You Believe This Is Happening?”

By BonzEarthsnapper @ Adobe Stock

In my conversations with you, you tell me about the conversations you’re having with people you know. You tell me you’re being asked questions like:

“What are you doing with your investments?”

“Can you believe this market?”

“Can you believe this is happening?”

And you, rather than get stuck in the weeds about cryptocurrencies and gold, say, “I have a guy.” (Unfortunately, that’s where the conversation often ends and not to be pushy but feel free to give them my website or email address below.)

We live in a world where everyone talks about politics and they are more comfortable than ever sharing their views on religion, if they have any. But when it comes to money? Crickets. That’s a topic best kept to oneself. Which isn’t necessarily a bad thing because when it comes to giving investment advice, they never thank you when you’re right and never forget you when you’re wrong.

That’s why saying, “We have a guy,” is so easy to say and it moves the discussion along to other pressing issues like egg prices, Tesla, tariffs, and climate change. At least you know something about them. But the S&P 500 tanking? I thought I was diversified, and isn’t bitcoin a store of value?

Rather than picking investments, Your Survival Guy is interested in the development of an investment philosophy. I know it’s not easy. And yes, it is a leap of faith of sorts. It takes commitment, study, and—at times—pain.

But those in the know understand this. They know it will test one’s beliefs and maybe push them off the edge. That’s why it’s helpful to have that “guy” to keep them from going over it. Can I get an Amen?

Action Line: When you’re ready to talk, I’m here. Tell those you care about to email me at ejsmith@yoursurvivalguy.com. They might not remember to thank you, but you already knew that.