Update 10/22/2020: Since I wrote this on December 3, 2019, a pandemic, riots, and looting have hit America hard. The price of gold has surged by over 30%.
In a true catastrophe, the value of your dollars may plummet to zero, and all you’ll be left with is your gold, canned goods, and ammo for bartering. That would be a terrifying scenario for sure. That said, most disasters you’ll face in life won’t impact the value of your cash, but they could very well impact your access to your bank account.
I’ve been writing to you recently about how the wealthy are moving their money out of bank accounts and into more traditional safety deposit boxes. For large amounts of cash you wouldn’t want unattended at home, safety deposit boxes are a great idea. This strategy also works for avoiding negative interest rates. But in a disaster that closes banks and ATMs, you need something closer to home.
For your immediate disaster cash needs, you should have a Sentry Safe, or some other fire/water resistant safe at home. You preferably want something portable, in case you need to evacuate quickly.
I like the Sentry Safe Fire/Water Chest (Note: this is not a paid endorsement, this is a real recommendation based on experience). You need something that can protect your cash from wildfires or water damage for a short time until you can collect it.
Save Some for the Family
If you’re a grandparent who has been diligent about keeping money on hand in case of disaster, you may want to consider the needs of your children and grandchildren. Are they preparing themselves to avoid risk in a disaster situation? Do they even have cash to put aside? If the answer to these questions is no, you may want to put a little extra aside for them.
You may consider gently urging them to start preparing by buying them a portable safe for Christmas. Tell them to treat their disaster cash like gold, and keep it close.
Gold price from 12/3/2019 to 10/22/2020.