Survival 101

The Fragile American Supply Chain

If you live in the Northeast, you have probably encountered a Stop & Shop grocery store. There is one not far from Your Survival...

BUILDING A GO BAG: Taking Action Is Hard

Are you ready to evacuate today? Tomorrow? How long would it take your family to get on the road? Do you live by the...

Your Survival Guy: Trying to Reason with Hurricane Season

One of the risks of living on the water and owning a boat is hurricane season. The water is warming up and may soon...

Water (Bottles) Everywhere, But Not a Sip Taken

Your Survival Guy has his limits. I will not be washing water bottles all summer. I may not see my kids as often as...

Billionaire Trump Donor Makes Bid to Keep Remington American

If you haven't heard, CSG, a Czech industrial company, has been attempting to buy the ammunition operations of Vista Outdoors, which includes Remington. Now,...

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