Financial Security

Boom or Bust: “What Do You Think of Bitcoin?

If you’ve been breathing, then you’ve heard about bitcoin. Your Survival Guy is asked all the time, “What do you think of bitcoin?” Years...

Make Saving More a Priority

You need to save til it hurts. There's no alternative if you want to have retirement peace. Fidelity gives investors five ways to focus...

Gold Production Slow and Steady

While the supply of cryptocurrencies has ballooned, the growth rate of gold production is pretty low in comparison. Action Line: Like the tortoise and the...

“In Seconds I Have the Lay of the Land”

You read here yesterday about a couple of Your Survival Guy’s conversations through the years with Dick Young. Recently, over Thanksgiving in Key West,...

Fed Speak: “Can We Get a Retake on Inflation?”

Yesterday, the Fed walked back its aggressive predictions for rate cuts next year and the year after, admitting inflation is a bit stickier than...

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